Monday, December 15, 2008


i haven't blogged in a long time. i'm trying to make a new one right now but i'm watching a jackie chan movie on tv, so there might be some spelling errors or even the sentences might not make sense. if that's the case, just look at the that i'm looking at this picture, i don't think it's jakie chan. all asians kind of look alike... if they're in the middle of fighting. but its still awesome.

but here's some of the activities that have been going on lately.
Stephen tried to do the dishes...

i don't think it was that bad of an idea, because now our floor is way clean too!

here's some friends from halloween

Erin and Stephen

Kimbre and Cole

these are from Garrett's ugly sweater christmas party

Garrett and Kimbre

Cole, me, Garrett and Stephen

This is when we saw the forgotten carols at UVU. it was really good! if you haven't seen it, i definatly recommend that you do.

me, Caitlin, Garrett, Kimbre

Jennifer, Cole, Stephen, Erin

and just for fun, this is what my bathroom looks like.

Here's Sierra from Thanksgiving. she likes to grab my hair. in that second picutre, she drooled all over the back of my head... and the last picture is fun too. i think her eye is open a little bit, just like how her mom sleeps.