Monday, March 30, 2009


okay, it's been a long time again since i've posted a blog. lately we've painted the living room of our apartment. it looks pretty good. we painted a blue wall and our friend daphne put new covers on the pillows and a thing that goes across the top of our blinds. also our management bought us a new rug that looks pretty sweet.

Stephen wanted to help but he didn't want to get paint on his clothes so he made sure the couches didn't go anywhere while we painted. he did provide some music from his computer though.

i've also been doing a lot of stuff with caitlin. we went to color me mine and made our own designs on some mugs that turned out way awesome! here's the pictures of them. in case you can't tell, mine is the summer california surfing theme and caitlin's is an african safari scene. it's pretty awesome!

we also went to Holi, the festival of colors. it was pretty awesome because there were thousands of people there and we all started throwing colored flour or corn starch or something at eachother after we burned a fake witch on a huge fire. Here's some pictures.

here's the temple it that hosted the festival. it was in spanish fork.We were right next to the witch burning at the start of the ceremony! it got way hot next to that fire!

once everyone started throwing their flour, it blocked out the sun! it was intense!

Just so you can see a glimpse of how many people were there. i ran into two old mission companions too.

We saw our high school friend kiel too. fun times!

also, i've been promoted at work. i am now the korean language coordinator so i have to call all the people that want a job a nuskin that speak korean and test their korean. i also have to monitor calls and find out how to help all our korean speaking agents improve. it's pretty fun and gets me off the regular phone calls for a while.

school is going good. only 3 weeks left! then spring semester starts! and hopefully the snow will go away. and i just realized that all the pictures i put up had to do with paint somehow.


BK Barnes said...

Very cool & colorful photos Bill. The one that was my favorite though was the guy with the incredibly cool wayfarer sun glasses. How can I get some like that????


DavidJohn Wyatt said...

That looks awesome! Cute girl :)

You work at a call center? Me too!

Karen Barnes said...

I want to have a flour fight! I'm jealous...hummm...did you suck any down you lungs? Looked like a "happy day" to me and you can't have too many of those can you? Have you done the coat hanger thing with your peeps yet?

Jon said...

Billy, I think you need to get out of Utah. You are turning into a Utard. Plus there's no snow in AZ. I finally made a new post myself. When you going to be done with school? What's the deal with the flour fair? Why doesn't stephen pull his own weight around the apartment, that's jacked up.

Jon said...

Wow you have been into painting. You inspired me to go back to the painting place I started a vase I need to go back and finish. Both of yours turned out very cool. That color festival seems pretty intense but I'm sure it was a ton of fun. Did it get out of control it just seem like one of those things that could easily turn into a brawl that the cops would show up and the people would start beating them up. Congrats on the promotion that's awesome. I don't think I've ever been promoted at any of my jobs. huh...

Jon said...

That was Kara. dang jon for always being signed in.

Jody Weiss said...

Looks like you guys have been keepin busy! That color festival looks like a ton-o-fun...I remember seeing posters for it when I was there but never went. Dang. Way to take advantage of what's going on around town.

Jenny said...

You look like you are really enjoying yourself. That flour thing looked awesome. You and your girl aren't bad painters. Can't wait to see you and meet her.