and don't worry, i don't eat them at the same time, i don't think the flavors would mix well. and i am healthy too because i take a vitamin packet called Lifepak Nano. we sell it here and there's a bunch of free packets in the break room so i take that everyday.
i was thinking of bringing some doublestuff oreos to work with me and a cup and leaving a gallon of milk in the fridge. if you've got some good ideas for snacking at work, let me know!
here's jessica and me, the only mxpx fans from among our friends, with the singer/bass player. i was totally feeling tattoo-less. the other band that played was lagwagon. i liked them in high school, but they didn't play a good show. we left a little early because we didn't think listening to them play was worth becoming a little more deaf.
so if mxpx is ever going to play near you i encourage you to see them play. and if you ever see them at The Venue in SLC, there's really good tacos that only cost a dollar each across the street.
i don't know how sierra did it, but somehow she managed to pee and it went through the diaper, through the blanket and on my mom... they changed her right away and wrapped her in a different blanket then gave her to me. it looks like in this picture sierra and i think it's pretty funny that she peed on mom.
well, the next day, friday, i met up with some old friends from high school and we ate lunch together at pick up stix. i ate with stephen nelson, kenny palmer and sean april. that was so much fun, i had a good group back in high school. we went to balboa island as a family too. it was fun. we all went to the salt water taffy place on the island and then my mom really wanted to go to the toy store there. it was pretty cool. we also ate at BJ's and had pizookies for dessert! those are sooo good!
here's the pizookie!
here's some pictures from saturday morning. sierra is so fun.
she already recognizes her favorite uncle!
during the day, my dad and i went to taqueria for lunch then we went and saw hancock at the birch street theatres. it was pretty fun. then we had a family bbq which was delicious. i think i also got some campitelli cookies on saturday too.
on sunday the baby blessing was great. jason blessed sierra and did a great job. here's a pic of sierra in her little white dress with her parents.
i was supposed to fly out sunday night for provo, and when i got to the airport, i found out my flight was delayed 6 hours... while i waited i just read my book with the occasional break to do some people watching and what not. about 4 hours into my wait, they announced that my flight was cancelled. so, jason picked me up and i went back to their house. i caught a flight monday which had a stop in las vegas. i sat next to a pretty old lady. when the plane was taking off, we were both way excited and said to eachother at almost exactly the same time, "take offs and landings are my favorite part!"afther that, she was talking to me non-stop. during the flight she was looking at land marks and guessing which cities we were flying over. it was pretty funny because she'd get so excited and prove to me which city it was by explaing all the surrounding landmarks. i had my tv on the flight tracking channel so i could tell her our speed and altitude every couple of minutes too. she asked where i was flying to and i said salt lake city, and for the rest of the flight she kept asking me about seattle eventhough i told her about 5 times i wasn't going to seattle but to salt lake city utah. haha, later she asked my major and when i told her psychology, she said that she sat next to a psychologist on the way to california... and the psychologist was from seattle too. i love meeting people on the plane!
oh and here's one last picture. you know you're professional at holding babies when you can hold one like this...
i think it's pretty cool and there's not one specific interpretation so maybe if you can't fall asleep sometime, you can look at this and see how many interpretations you can make.
so now i'm totally an uncle! uncle billy! maybe when i'm old it'll be uncle bill. we'll see. it'll be fun to see sierra when she's 6-9 months old because that's when she'll be big enough to wear the vans slip-ons with black and pink checkers and the skulls and matching bib i got her.
when we got a little older, we'd ride our skateboards there. we'd always ride behind "the good guys" store by the loading dock and it was always a rush to go down the hill there and try to dodge all the pebbles and stuff that would make you come to a dead stop on your board and make you fly off. so eating those cookies tasted good, and also brought back a lot of good memories. i remember jenny went with me once on her longboard and she ran over a garden hose and flew off her board! haha. good times.
i also got some sweet bowling shoes! mom and jody sent these to me.
they are way awesome huh? i'm going to go use them in like 15 minutes.
on my birthday my good friend matt keller bought me some korean food and then we went to someone's house and played a card game called pounce. i had a birthday cake and everything. i even spelled my name on the cake using tons of tootsie rolls. it was so delicious. we finished off the night by watching my big fat greek wedding with the group.
friday was not only my birthday, but it was graduation from training at my work. tuesday i start as a real employee out of training. crud. it should be fun. i need to learn how to speak korean better.
i'm going to go bowling, maybe i'll add more stuff to this post later.